近5年以来,发表论文一百余篇,其中SCI 检索论文54篇,有5篇论文入选ESI高被引论文榜单,在非牛顿流体力学,计算流体力学,计算固体力学等方面具有一定影响力。出版专著及教材十余部,其中《工程力学》获山东省高校优秀教材一等奖,《理论力学》获山东省高校优秀教材二等奖。
序号 |
论文名称 |
发表刊物(时间) |
作者 |
备注 |
1 |
A micro scale Timoshenko beam model based on strain gradient elasticity theory |
European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids(2010) |
王炳雷 |
ESI 1% |
2 |
Axial Coutte flow of two kinds of fractional viscoelastic fluids in an annulus |
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications(2009) |
王少伟 |
ESI 1% |
3 |
Stability analysis of soret-driven double-diffusive convection of Maxwell fluid in a porous medium |
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow(2011) |
王少伟 |
ESI 1% |
4 |
Nonlinear microbeam model based on strain gradient theory |
Applied Mathematical Modelling(2012) |
赵俊峰 |
ESI 3% |
5 |
The application of entransy dissipation theory in optimization design of heat exchanger |
Applied Thermal Engineering(2012) |
许明田 |
ESI 3% |
序号 |
论文名称 |
第一 作者 |
发表年月 |
发表刊物名称 |
收录 类型 |
1 |
Variational principles in terms of entransy for heat transfer |
许明田 |
2012 |
Energy |
2 |
Measurement Method of Asphalt Pavement Mean Texture Depth Based on Multi-line Laser and Binocular Vision |
崔新壮 |
2017 |
International Journal of Pavement Engineering |
3 |
Analysis of Vehicle – Force -Induced Dynamic Pore Pressure in Saturated Pavement With LSPM Drainage Base |
崔新壮 |
2017 |
Journal of Testing and Evaluation |
4 |
Experimental simulation of rapid clogging process of pervious concrete pavement caused by storm water runoff |
崔新壮 |
2016 |
xperimental simulation of rapid clogging process of pervious concrete pavement caused by storm water runoff |
5 |
Dynamic responses and damage analyses of tunnel lining and errant large vehicle during collision |
崔新壮 |
2015 |
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology |
6 |
Experimental study of the effect of RCC specimen size and crack depth ratio on double-K fracture parameters |
崔新壮 |
2015 |
Journal of Testing and Evaluation |
7 |
Deterioration of soil-cement pile in a saltwater region and its influence on settlement of composite foundation |
崔新壮 |
2014 |
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities |
8 |
Laboratory simulation tests of effect of mechanical damage on moisture damage evolution in hot-mix asphalt pavement |
崔新壮 |
2014 |
International Journal of Pavement Engineering |
9 |
In situ tests simulating traffic-load-induced settlement of alluvial silt subsoil |
崔新壮 |
2014 |
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering |
10 |
Improvement of Permeability Measurement Precision of Pervious Concrete |
崔新壮 |
2014 |
Journal of Testing and Evaluation |
11 |
Effects of embankment height and vehicle loads on traffic-load-induced cumulative settlement of soft clay subsoil |
崔新壮 |
2014 |
Arabian Journal of Geosciences |
12 |
Real-time diagnosis method of compaction state of subgrade during dynamic compaction |
崔新壮 |
2010 |
Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM |
13 |
Development and Calibration of an Electronic Miniature Cone Penetrometer for Design of Small Piles in Silty Clays |
崔新壮 |
2011 |
Journal of Testing and Evaluation, ASTM |
14 |
Dynamic Numerical Analysis of Antimoisture-damage Mechanism of Permeable Pavement Base |
崔新壮 |
2010 |
International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE |
15 |
Nonlinear microbeam model based on strain gradient theory |
赵俊峰 |
2012 |
16 |
The modeling of nanoscale heat conduction by Boltzmann transport equation. |
许明田 |
2012 |
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer |
17 |
Transient electro-osmotic flow of Oldroyd-B fluids in a straight pipe of circular cross section |
赵茉莉 |
2013 |
Journal of non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics |
18 |
Slip boundary condition of heat flux in Knudsen layers |
许明田 |
2014 |
Proceedings of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences |
19 |
Effect of soft-iron impellers on the von Karman-sodium dynamo |
许明田 |
2014 |
Physical Review E |
20 |
Lattice Boltzmann numerical analysis of heat transfer in nano-scale silicon films induced by ultra-fast laser heating |
毛煜东 |
2015 |
International Journal of Thermal Sciences |
21 |
Optimization control for the far-distance rapid cooperative rendezvous of spacecraft with different masses |
冯维明 |
2015 |
Aerospace Science and Technology |
22 |
Optimal control for far-distance rapid cooperative rendezvous |
冯维明 |
2014 |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G-Journal of Aerospace Engineering |
The application of entransy dissipation theory in optimization design of heat exchanger |
郭江峰 |
2012 |
Applied Thermal Engineering |
23 |
Pull-in Instability of Circular Plate MEMS: A New Model Based on Strain Gradient Elasticity Theory. |
王炳雷 |
2012 |
International Journal of Applied Mechanics |
24 |
Analysis of wave propagation in micro/nanobeam-like structures: A size-dependent model |
王炳雷 |
2012 |
Acta Mechanica Sinica |
25 |
肖越 |
2015 |
Mechanics Research Communications |
26 |
梁斌斌 |
2015 |
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures |
27 |
A size-dependent finite-element model for a micro/nanoscale timoshenko beam |
王炳雷 |
2015 |
Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering |
28 |
Linear stability of one-dimensional non-Darcy flow in broken rocks |
赵茉莉 |
2015 |
Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. |
29 |
Onset of triply diffusive convection in a Maxwell fluid saturated porous layer |
赵茉莉 |
2014 |
Applied mathematical Modelling |
30 |
Reinforcement of rock mass with cross-flaws using rock bolt |
张波 |
2016 |
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology |
31 |
Rock bridge fracture model and stability analysis of surrounding rock in underground cavern group |
虞松 |
2015 |
Structural Engineering and Mechanics |
32 |
Determination of Biot’s Effective-Stress Coefficient for Permeability of Nikanassin Sandstone |
乔丽苹 |
2012 |
Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology |
33 |
Analytical solution of the transient electro-osmotic flow of a generalized fractional Maxwell fluid in a straight pipe with a circular cross-section |
王少伟 |
2015 |
European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids |
34 |
Transient electro-osmotic flow of generalized Maxwell fluids in a straight pipe of circular cross section |
王少伟 |
2014 |
Central European Journal of Physics |
35 |
A micro scale Timoshenko beam model based on strain gradient elasticity theory |
王炳雷 |
2010 |
European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids |
36 |
基于傅立叶平均法的连续小推力动力学分析 |
冯维明 |
2012 |
固体火箭技术 |
EI |
37 |
基于流形覆盖的岩体宏细观破裂的颗粒离散元法 |
李树忱 |
2014 |
物理学报 |
38 |
含交叉裂隙节理岩体相似材料试件力学性能单轴压缩试验 |
张波 |
2012 |
岩土力学 |
EI |
39 |
含交叉裂隙节理岩体单轴压缩破坏机制研究 |
张波 |
2014 |
岩土力学 |
EI |
40 |
含交叉多裂隙类岩石材料单轴压缩力学性能研究 |
张波 |
2015 |
岩石力学与工程学报 |
EI |
41 |
梁斌斌 |
2015 |
应用数学和力学 |
42 |
岩石内变量蠕变本构模型研究 |
乔丽苹 |
2012 |
岩土力学 |
EI |
43 |
基于DDA方法一种流-固耦合模型的建立及裂隙体渗流场分析和应用 |
虞松 |
2015 |
岩土力学 |
EI |
44 |
暴雨作用下透水混凝土路面快速堵塞试验模拟 |
崔新壮 |
2016 |
中国公路学报 |
EI |
45 |
盐水环境下水泥土桩劣化效应及其对道路复合地基沉降的影响 |
崔新壮 |
2015 |
中国公路学报 |
EI |
46 |
黄河三角洲改性含盐水泥土搅拌桩耐久性研究 |
崔新壮 |
2013 |
建筑材料学报 |
EI |
47 |
透水性混凝土强度-渗透性模型试验研究 |
崔新壮 |
2013 |
土木建筑与环境 |
EI |
48 |
损伤沥青混合料渗透性模型与水稳定性试验研究 |
崔新壮 |
2014 |
中国公路学报 |
EI |
49 |
力学教学中的宽与窄、深与浅 |
冯维明 |
2016 |
力学与实践 |
核心 |
50 |
大学的课堂何以精彩 |
冯维明 |
2015 |
教师教育研究 |
核心 |
51 |
基于课程中心平台的混合式教学模式实践 |
宋娟 |
2015 |
南京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版) |
核心 |
52 |
试论“课堂实时反馈系统”在力学课堂教学中的应用 |
宋娟 |
2018 |
力学与实践 |
核心 |
序号 |
著作名称 |
作者 |
出版社 |
出版 年月 |
1 |
工程力学 |
冯维明 |
国防工业出版社 |
201610 |
2 |
航天器相对运动轨道动力学 |
冯维明 |
中国宇航出版社 |
201303 |
3 |
路面(病害)力学 |
崔新壮 |
科学出版社 |
201603 |
4 |
隧道损伤分析、健康监测与预警技术 |
崔新壮 |
人民交通出版社 |
201509 |
5 |
轮胎水滑性能理论及有限元分析 |
王卫东 |
化学工业出版社 |
201506 |
6 |
金属塑性成形过程无网格数值模拟方法 |
王卫东 |
化学工业出版社 |
201309 |
7 |
黄泛区筑路理论与技术 |
崔新壮 |
科学出版社 |
201605 |
8 |
材料力学 |
冯维明 |
国防工业出版社 |
201006 |
9 |
含盐水泥土桩耐久性技术 |
崔新壮 |
beat365体育官方网站出版社 |
201108 |
10 |
理论力学 |
冯维明 |
国防工业出版社 |
200508 |